“Rosy” Sunsets and Pigoons


photo cred: es.klear.com

“In the fading pink light the pigoons waiting for him down below look like miniature plastic figurines, bucolic replicas from a child’s playbox. They have the rosy tint of innocence, as many things do at a distance. It’s hard to imagine that they wish him ill.” (page 276)

“On the eastern horizon there’s a greyish haze, lit now with a rosy, deadly glow. Strange how that color still seems tender.” (page 1)

I chose to contrast these two quotes, one that we have just read and the other which we analyzed after the very first day of reading this novel. We see in both quotes Snowman relating the “rosy” coloring to a thing of evil. Snowman often has these innocent thoughts. Choosing to see the good, much like Oryx had told him to do. Then, by natural instinct, he pulls himself to survival mode. Forcing himself to see the reality of the situation. Snowman seemingly wants to be content, to go back to a simpler thought process of a kinder and gentler world. As Snowman progresses through the novel he is constantly adding an extra layer of detail to practically everything in his word choice. Mostly so, adding the descriptive detail of everything’s color to the storyline.


Can you think of any other quotes that involve color and have a descriptive impact like “rosy”?

 Is there another descriptive form that Snowman tends to use when he’s narrating? 

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